At first it sounds really good, doing college work in high school, entering university with one or two semesters of course work already under your belt. Why not, if the student is motivated and able to do the work? Wouldn't it be more challenging and engaging anyway? But then, I hear phrases like "that way you won't have to take English, History or Algebra ever again" or "you can get your basics out of the way for free". That's when I get scared. I imagine a generation of college graduates entering the work force as teachers, lawyers and journalists, who last examined the world's history when they were fifteen years old and more worried about where that pimple came from than who built the pyramids and how?! I think of those entering politics and civic life who read a work like Animal Farm back when they were more pre-occuppied with getting a date to the homecoming dance than with what happens when those who lead think that the end justifies the...
"Regard man as a mine, rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures." -Bahá'u'lláh