Without a doubt the event that changed my life profoundly was the birth of my children. From the moment my first child was born, I have not made a decision or taken a path without first considering how they would be affected. Even my perspective of the world and its events is now shaped by the emotions I feel for my two daughters and two sons. However, the significance of their birth has been in teaching me lessons that I would not have otherwise learned. Here are three of the things I have learned from my children: 1. Never give up on anyone . When my children were very small, I thought they would never wear shoes or eat anything other than plain rice or pasta. I thought they would never go to bed by themselves. I thought my children would never learn to get along and enjoy each other's company. There have been moments when I thought that we would never get past a certain struggle. But as the years have gone by and they have...
"Regard man as a mine, rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures." -Bahá'u'lláh