Teachers, like gardeners, are in the business of building beauty. It's a messy job. You have to get your hands dirty and you never know if or when the seeds you are sowing will sprout. But we do it for love and we do it to add something positive to this world. So why is it that we are so stressed out? Why do we walk around with the weight of the world on our shoulders? We feel under-appreciated and over-worked. And we forget that this is supposed to be the best job in the world! I know teaching is complex. But does it have to be so complicated? What does it take to teach effectively and in a way that is fulfilling? What kind of attitude will get us through the bureaucratic mandates passed down by those who don't really know our kids and the realities of our classrooms? Is there a critical lens that we can use to evaluate the myriad resources, tips and strategies that are thrown our way? As I was searching for the smallest set of gu...
"Regard man as a mine, rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures." -Bahá'u'lláh